Sunday, August 31, 2014

Top Eight Benefits of Social Media Marketing

Photo by opportplanet on Flickr
Most business men today have already realized that social media marketing, although considered a fad, is one powerful tool that they should utilize while still in trend. 

According to a survey conducted by Hubspot this year, 92% of entrepreneurs responded that that they considered social media marketing to be essential, with 80% reporting that their efforts did increase website traffic. As per Social Media Examiner, 97% are participants of social media; however, 85% of them are unsure of which tools of social media they should use. 

Hence, we can conclude that social media has good ability to boost sales, but entrepreneurs as to attaining this, some entrepreneurs still lack the knowledge and comprehension. With this in mind, this article was made to help you know a few benefits of how social media marketing could help reach your company’s goals.

1. Increase of Brand Recognition

Each chance you have of syndicating your content and increasing your online presence is of much importance. That’s because your social media platforms are now your brand’s new channels for voice and content. Hence, your brand is more familiar or recognizable to old customers while reachable to new ones at the same time. 

2. Improvement of Brand Loyalty

The Texas Tech University published a report stating that social media platforms have more loyalty from customers. Hence, the report concluded that companies should make use of the the social media tools in terms of audience connection. Having an open and strategic social media scheme can be effective in establishing consumer loyalty to your brand. 

3. Increase of Conversion Opportunities

For each post you do on your social media account, you are increasing your opportunities of customer conversion. When you have many users following you, you have instant simultaneous access to old, recent and new customers. This means you now have the chance to establish connection with them through every status, picture, video or blog you post. There is every chance for this interaction to prompt a website visit and finally, a consequent conversion. 

5. Increase of Inbound Traffic 

Thanks to social media marketing, your inbound traffic won’t be limited to customers who already know your brand. Keep in mind that with each social media profile added, more paths that lead back to your website are added. At the same, every content syndication of such profiles is also another favorable chance for a new visitor. 

6. Decrease of Marketing Expenses

Spending even just an hour of everyday to improve your strategy for content and syndication would surely reap favorable results. Depending on your business goals, paid advertising via Twitter and Facebook start out relatively cheap. It’s wise to start small though and once you already get the hang of how it works, you can raise your budget and conversions accordingly.

7. Improvement of SEO Rankings 

Google does calculation of rankings employing social media presence as one key factor due to established brands always using it. With that, your activeness in social media is an indication to search engines that you have a legitimate, trustworthy and credible brand. Hence, in the objective of ranking with your chosen keywords, it would seem that having a strong social media presence is necessary. 

8. Improvement of Customer Relationship

With each interaction you have with your customer, you are given the opportunity to demonstrate the quality of your service publicly and enhance relationship. If you receive a compliment of your offered product or service, be sure to thank them. For complaints, it would be prudent to respond through a public apology and addressing the concern immediately. More importantly, all these comments and complaints give you an insight to your customer’s needs and behavior, which you can act upon to retain their satisfaction and patronage. 

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